
image_registration.chi2_shifts.chi2_shift(im1, im2, err=None, upsample_factor='auto', boundary='wrap', nthreads=1, use_numpy_fft=False, zeromean=False, nfitted=2, verbose=False, return_error=True, return_chi2array=False, max_auto_size=512, max_nsig=1.1)[source]

Find the offsets between image 1 and image 2 using the DFT upsampling method ( combined with \(\chi^2\) to measure the errors on the fit

Equation 1 gives the \(\chi^2\) value as a function of shift, where Y is the model as a function of shift:

\[\chi^2(dx,dy) = \Sigma_{ij} \frac{(X_{ij}-Y_{ij}(dx,dy))^2}{\sigma_{ij}^2}\]

Equation 2-4:

\begin{align} \mathrm{Term~1:} & f(dx,dy) & = & \Sigma_{ij} \frac{X_{ij}^2}{\sigma_{ij}^2} \\ & f(dx,dy) & = & f(0,0) , \forall dx,dy \\ \mathrm{Term~2:} & g(dx,dy) & = & -2 \Sigma_{ij} \frac{X_{ij}Y_{ij}(dx,dy)}{\sigma_{ij}^2} = -2 \Sigma_{ij} \left(\frac{X_{ij}}{\sigma_{ij}^2}\right) Y_{ij}(dx,dy) \\ \mathrm{Term~3:} & h(dx,dy) & = & \Sigma_{ij} \frac{Y_{ij}(dx,dy)^2}{\sigma_{ij}^2} = \Sigma_{ij} \left(\frac{1}{\sigma_{ij}^2}\right) Y^2_{ij}(dx,dy) \end{align}

The cross-correlation can be computed with fourier transforms, and is defined

\[CC_{m,n}(x,y) = \Sigma_{ij} x^*_{ij} y_{(n+i)(m+j)}\]

which can then be applied to our problem, noting that the cross-correlation has the same form as term 2 and 3 in \(\chi^2\) (term 1 is a constant, with no dependence on the shift)

\begin{align} \mathrm{Term~2:} & CC(X/\sigma^2,Y)[dx,dy] & = & \Sigma_{ij} \left(\frac{X_{ij}}{\sigma_{ij}^2}\right)^* Y_{ij}(dx,dy) \\ \mathrm{Term~3:} & CC(\sigma^{-2},Y^2)[dx,dy] & = & \Sigma_{ij} \left(\frac{1}{\sigma_{ij}^2}\right)^* Y^2_{ij}(dx,dy) \end{align}

Technically, only terms 2 and 3 has any effect on the resulting image, since term 1 is the same for all shifts, and the quantity of interest is \(\Delta \chi^2\) when determining the best-fit shift and error.

The resulting shifts are limited to an accuracy of +/-0.5 pixels in the upsampled image frame. That is not a Gaussian uncertainty but a quantized limit: the best solution will always be +/-0.5 pixels offset because we’re zooming in on an even grid, so the “best” position is required to be a discrete pixel center. If you’re looking at an image with exactly zero shift, it will have exactly +/- 1/usfac/2 systematic error in the resulting solution.


The images to register.


Per-pixel error in image 2


Option to pass to map_coordinates for determining what to do with shifts outside of the boundaries.

upsample_factorint or ‘auto’

upsampling factor; governs accuracy of fit (1/usfac is best accuracy) (can be “automatically” determined based on chi^2 error)


Returns the “fit error” (1-sigma in x and y) based on the delta-chi2 values


Returns the x and y shifts and the chi2 as a function of those shifts in addition to other returned parameters. i.e., the last return from this function will be a tuple (x, y, chi2)


Subtract the mean from the images before cross-correlating? If no, you may get a 0,0 offset because the DC levels are strongly correlated.


Print error message if upsampling factor is inadequate to measure errors


Force use numpy’s fft over fftw? (only matters if you have fftw installed)


Number of threads to use for fft (only matters if you have fftw installed)


number of degrees of freedom in the fit (used for chi^2 computations). Should probably always be 2.


Maximum zoom image size to create when using auto-upsampling


Measures the amount im2 is offset from im1 (i.e., shift im2 by -1 * these #’s to match im1)


optional, error in x and y directions


x,y positions (in original chi^2 coordinates) of the chi^2 values and their corresponding chi^2 value


Create a 2d array, shift it in both directions, then use chi2_shift to determine the shift

>>> import image_registration
>>> rr = ((np.indices([100,100]) - np.array([50.,50.])[:,None,None])**2).sum(axis=0)**0.5
>>> image = np.exp(-rr**2/(3.**2*2.)) * 20
>>> shifted = np.roll(np.roll(image,12,0),5,1) + np.random.randn(100,100)
>>> dx,dy,edx,edy = chi2_shift(image, shifted, upsample_factor='auto')
>>> shifted2 = image_registration.fft_tools.shift2d(image,3.665,-4.25) + np.random.randn(100,100)
>>> dx2,dy2,edx2,edy2 = chi2_shift(image, shifted2, upsample_factor='auto')