Source code for image_registration.chi2_shifts

Chi^2 shifts
Various tools for calculating shifts based on the chi^2 method
from .fft_tools import correlate2d,fast_ffts,dftups,upsample_image,zoom,shift
from . import iterative_zoom
import warnings
import numpy as np

__all__ = ['chi2_shift','chi2_shift_iterzoom','chi2n_map']

[docs]def chi2_shift(im1, im2, err=None, upsample_factor='auto', boundary='wrap', nthreads=1, use_numpy_fft=False, zeromean=False, nfitted=2, verbose=False, return_error=True, return_chi2array=False, max_auto_size=512, max_nsig=1.1): """ Find the offsets between image 1 and image 2 using the DFT upsampling method ( combined with :math:`\chi^2` to measure the errors on the fit Equation 1 gives the :math:`\chi^2` value as a function of shift, where Y is the model as a function of shift: .. math:: \chi^2(dx,dy) = \Sigma_{ij} \\frac{(X_{ij}-Y_{ij}(dx,dy))^2}{\sigma_{ij}^2} .. & = & \Sigma_{ij} \left[ X_{ij}^2/\sigma_{ij}^2 - 2X_{ij}Y_{ij}(dx,dy)/\sigma_{ij}^2 + Y_{ij}(dx,dy)^2/\sigma_{ij}^2 \\right] \\\\ Equation 2-4: .. math:: :nowrap: \\begin{align} \\mathrm{Term~1:} & f(dx,dy) & = & \\Sigma_{ij} \\frac{X_{ij}^2}{\\sigma_{ij}^2} \\\\ & f(dx,dy) & = & f(0,0) , \\forall dx,dy \\\\ \\mathrm{Term~2:} & g(dx,dy) & = & -2 \\Sigma_{ij} \\frac{X_{ij}Y_{ij}(dx,dy)}{\\sigma_{ij}^2} = -2 \\Sigma_{ij} \\left(\\frac{X_{ij}}{\\sigma_{ij}^2}\\right) Y_{ij}(dx,dy) \\\\ \\mathrm{Term~3:} & h(dx,dy) & = & \\Sigma_{ij} \\frac{Y_{ij}(dx,dy)^2}{\\sigma_{ij}^2} = \\Sigma_{ij} \\left(\\frac{1}{\\sigma_{ij}^2}\\right) Y^2_{ij}(dx,dy) \\end{align} The cross-correlation can be computed with fourier transforms, and is defined .. math:: CC_{m,n}(x,y) = \\Sigma_{ij} x^*_{ij} y_{(n+i)(m+j)} which can then be applied to our problem, noting that the cross-correlation has the same form as term 2 and 3 in :math:`\chi^2` (term 1 is a constant, with no dependence on the shift) .. math:: :nowrap: \\begin{align} \\mathrm{Term~2:} & CC(X/\sigma^2,Y)[dx,dy] & = & \Sigma_{ij} \left(\\frac{X_{ij}}{\sigma_{ij}^2}\\right)^* Y_{ij}(dx,dy) \\\\ \\mathrm{Term~3:} & CC(\sigma^{-2},Y^2)[dx,dy] & = & \Sigma_{ij} \left(\\frac{1}{\sigma_{ij}^2}\\right)^* Y^2_{ij}(dx,dy) \\end{align} Technically, only terms 2 and 3 has any effect on the resulting image, since term 1 is the same for all shifts, and the quantity of interest is :math:`\Delta \chi^2` when determining the best-fit shift and error. The resulting shifts are limited to an accuracy of +/-0.5 pixels in the upsampled image frame. That is not a Gaussian uncertainty but a quantized limit: the best solution will always be +/-0.5 pixels offset because we're zooming in on an even grid, so the "best" position is required to be a discrete pixel center. If you're looking at an image with exactly zero shift, it will have exactly +/- 1/usfac/2 systematic error in the resulting solution. Parameters ---------- im1 : np.ndarray im2 : np.ndarray The images to register. err : np.ndarray Per-pixel error in image 2 boundary : 'wrap','constant','reflect','nearest' Option to pass to map_coordinates for determining what to do with shifts outside of the boundaries. upsample_factor : int or 'auto' upsampling factor; governs accuracy of fit (1/usfac is best accuracy) (can be "automatically" determined based on chi^2 error) return_error : bool Returns the "fit error" (1-sigma in x and y) based on the delta-chi2 values return_chi2_array : bool Returns the x and y shifts and the chi2 as a function of those shifts in addition to other returned parameters. i.e., the last return from this function will be a tuple (x, y, chi2) zeromean : bool Subtract the mean from the images before cross-correlating? If no, you may get a 0,0 offset because the DC levels are strongly correlated. verbose : bool Print error message if upsampling factor is inadequate to measure errors use_numpy_fft : bool Force use numpy's fft over fftw? (only matters if you have fftw installed) nthreads : bool Number of threads to use for fft (only matters if you have fftw installed) nfitted : int number of degrees of freedom in the fit (used for chi^2 computations). Should probably always be 2. max_auto_size : int Maximum zoom image size to create when using auto-upsampling Returns ------- dx,dy : float,float Measures the amount im2 is offset from im1 (i.e., shift im2 by -1 * these #'s to match im1) errx,erry : float,float optional, error in x and y directions xvals,yvals,chi2n_upsampled : ndarray,ndarray,ndarray, x,y positions (in original chi^2 coordinates) of the chi^2 values and their corresponding chi^2 value Examples -------- Create a 2d array, shift it in both directions, then use chi2_shift to determine the shift >>> import image_registration >>> rr = ((np.indices([100,100]) - np.array([50.,50.])[:,None,None])**2).sum(axis=0)**0.5 >>> image = np.exp(-rr**2/(3.**2*2.)) * 20 >>> shifted = np.roll(np.roll(image,12,0),5,1) + np.random.randn(100,100) >>> dx,dy,edx,edy = chi2_shift(image, shifted, upsample_factor='auto') >>> shifted2 = image_registration.fft_tools.shift2d(image,3.665,-4.25) + np.random.randn(100,100) >>> dx2,dy2,edx2,edy2 = chi2_shift(image, shifted2, upsample_factor='auto') """ chi2, term1, term2, term3 = chi2n_map(im1, im2, err, boundary=boundary, nthreads=nthreads, zeromean=zeromean, use_numpy_fft=use_numpy_fft, return_all=True, reduced=False) ymax, xmax = np.unravel_index(chi2.argmin(), chi2.shape) # needed for ffts im1 = np.nan_to_num(im1) im2 = np.nan_to_num(im2) ylen, xlen = im1.shape # this is the center pixel - it's an integer pixel ID (not the center # coordinate) xcen = xlen/2 - (1 if xlen % 2 == 0 else 0.5) ycen = ylen/2 - (1 if ylen % 2 == 0 else 0.5) # original shift calculation yshift = ymax - ycen # shift im2 by these numbers to get im1 xshift = xmax - xcen if verbose: print("Coarse xmax/ymax = %i,%i, for offset %f,%f" % (xmax, ymax, xshift, yshift)) # below is sub-pixel zoom-in stuff # find delta-chi^2 limiting values for varying DOFs try: import scipy.stats # 1,2,3-sigma delta-chi2 levels m1 = scipy.stats.chi2.ppf( 1-scipy.stats.norm.sf(1)*2, nfitted ) m2 = scipy.stats.chi2.ppf( 1-scipy.stats.norm.sf(2)*2, nfitted ) m3 = scipy.stats.chi2.ppf( 1-scipy.stats.norm.sf(3)*2, nfitted ) m_auto = scipy.stats.chi2.ppf( 1-scipy.stats.norm.sf(max_nsig)*2, nfitted ) except ImportError: # assume m=2 (2 degrees of freedom) m1 = 2.2957489288986364 m2 = 6.1800743062441734 m3 = 11.829158081900793 m_auto = 2.6088233328527037 # slightly >1 sigma # biggest scale = where chi^2/n ~ 9 or 11.8 for M=2? if upsample_factor == 'auto': # deltachi2 is not reduced deltachi2 deltachi2_lowres = (chi2 - chi2.min()) if verbose: print("Minimum chi2: %g Max delta-chi2 (lowres): %g Min delta-chi2 (lowres): %g" % (chi2.min(),deltachi2_lowres.max(),deltachi2_lowres[deltachi2_lowres>0].min())) sigmamax_area = deltachi2_lowres<m_auto if sigmamax_area.sum() > 1: yy,xx = np.indices(sigmamax_area.shape) xvals = xx[sigmamax_area] yvals = yy[sigmamax_area] xvrange = xvals.max()-xvals.min() yvrange = yvals.max()-yvals.min() size = max(xvrange,yvrange) else: size = 1 upsample_factor = max_auto_size/2. / size if upsample_factor < 1: upsample_factor = 1 s1 = s2 = max_auto_size # zoom factor = s1 / upsample_factor = 2*size zoom_factor = 2.*size if verbose: print("Selected upsample factor %0.1f for image size %i and zoom factor %0.1f (max-sigma range was %i for area %i)" % (upsample_factor, s1, zoom_factor, size, sigmamax_area.sum())) else: s1,s2 = im1.shape zoom_factor = s1/upsample_factor if zoom_factor <= 1: zoom_factor = 2 s1 = zoom_factor*upsample_factor s2 = zoom_factor*upsample_factor (yshifts_corrections, xshifts_corrections), chi2_ups = zoom.zoomnd(chi2, usfac=upsample_factor, outshape=[s1, s2], offsets=[yshift, xshift], return_xouts=True) # deltachi2 is not reduced deltachi2 deltachi2_ups = (chi2_ups - chi2_ups.min()) if verbose: print("Minimum chi2_ups: %g Max delta-chi2 (highres): %g Min delta-chi2 (highres): %g" % (chi2_ups.min(),deltachi2_ups.max(),deltachi2_ups[deltachi2_ups>0].min())) if verbose > 1: pass #if hasattr(term3_ups,'len'): # print "term3_ups has shape ",term3_ups.shape," term2: ",term2_ups.shape," term1=",term1 #else: # print "term2 shape: ",term2.shape," term1: ",term1," term3: ",term3_ups # THE UPSAMPLED BEST-FIT HAS BEEN FOUND # BELOW IS TO COMPUTE THE ERROR errx_low, errx_high, erry_low, erry_high = chi2map_to_errors(chi2_ups, upsample_factor) yshift_corr = yshifts_corrections.flat[chi2_ups.argmin()]-ycen xshift_corr = xshifts_corrections.flat[chi2_ups.argmin()]-xcen shift_xvals = xshifts_corrections-xcen shift_yvals = yshifts_corrections-ycen returns = [-xshift_corr,-yshift_corr] if return_error: returns.append( (errx_low+errx_high)/2. ) returns.append( (erry_low+erry_high)/2. ) if return_chi2array: returns.append((shift_xvals,shift_yvals,chi2_ups)) return returns
def chi2map_to_errors(chi2map, zoomfactor=1., nsigma=1, nfitted=2): """ Derive errors from a chi^2 map Parameters ---------- chi2map : np.ndarray A chi^2 map *with a minimum in bounds* and with delta-chi^2 < chi2stat(nsigma) in bounds zoomfactor : float The amount the chi2 map has been zoomed (i.e., the pixel scale, in units of small pixels per original pixel) nsigma : float How many sigma do you want the error bars to be? Uses scipy.stats to invert the chi^2 distribution, or an extrapolated version thereof if nsigma>8 (leads to errors in the ppf because of 1-0 floating point inaccuracy above that level) nfitted : int Number of fitted parameters. In this case, always 2, but you could change your chi^2 statistic based on this Returns ------- (-ex,+ex,-ey,+ey) where ex/ey are the x and y errors. """ # find delta-chi^2 limiting values for varying DOFs try: import scipy.stats def sigma_to_chi2(x): if x < 8: return scipy.stats.chi2.ppf( 1-scipy.stats.norm.sf(x)*2, nfitted ) else: # flop accuracy fails, assume 2 dof return 1.59358435 * x**1.80468278 except ImportError: # assume m=2 (2 degrees of freedom) sigma_to_chi2 = lambda x: 1.59358435 * x**1.80468278 yy,xx = (np.indices(chi2map.shape) - np.array(chi2map.shape)[:,np.newaxis,np.newaxis]/2.) / zoomfactor xcen = xx.flat[chi2map.argmin()] ycen = yy.flat[chi2map.argmin()] deltachi2 = chi2map - chi2map.min() sigma1_area = deltachi2 < sigma_to_chi2(nsigma) x_sigma1 = xx[sigma1_area] y_sigma1 = yy[sigma1_area] errx_low = xcen - x_sigma1.min() errx_high = x_sigma1.max() - xcen erry_low = ycen - y_sigma1.min() erry_high = y_sigma1.max() - ycen return errx_low,errx_high,erry_low,erry_high
[docs]def chi2_shift_iterzoom(im1, im2, err=None, upsample_factor='auto', boundary='wrap', nthreads=1, use_numpy_fft=False, zeromean=False, verbose=False, return_error=True, return_chi2array=False, zoom_shape=[10,10], rezoom_shape=[100,100], rezoom_factor=5, mindiff=1, **kwargs): """ Find the offsets between image 1 and image 2 using an iterative DFT upsampling method combined with :math:`\chi^2` to measure the errors on the fit A simpler version of :func:`chi2_shift` that only computes the :math:`\chi^2` array on the largest scales, then uses a fourier upsampling technique to zoom in. Parameters ---------- im1 : np.ndarray im2 : np.ndarray The images to register. err : np.ndarray Per-pixel error in image 2 boundary : 'wrap','constant','reflect','nearest' Option to pass to map_coordinates for determining what to do with shifts outside of the boundaries. upsample_factor : int or 'auto' upsampling factor; governs accuracy of fit (1/usfac is best accuracy) (can be "automatically" determined based on chi^2 error) zeromean : bool Subtract the mean from the images before cross-correlating? If no, you may get a 0,0 offset because the DC levels are strongly correlated. verbose : bool Print error message if upsampling factor is inadequate to measure errors use_numpy_fft : bool Force use numpy's fft over fftw? (only matters if you have fftw installed) nthreads : bool Number of threads to use for fft (only matters if you have fftw installed) nfitted : int number of degrees of freedom in the fit (used for chi^2 computations). Should probably always be 2. zoom_shape : [int,int] Shape of iterative zoom image rezoom_shape : [int,int] Shape of the final output chi^2 map to use for determining the errors rezoom_factor : int Amount to zoom above the last zoom factor. Should be <= rezoom_shape/zoom_shape Other Parameters ---------------- return_error : bool Returns the "fit error" (1-sigma in x and y) based on the delta-chi2 values return_chi2_array : bool Returns the x and y shifts and the chi2 as a function of those shifts in addition to other returned parameters. i.e., the last return from this function will be a tuple (x, y, chi2) Returns ------- dx,dy : float,float Measures the amount im2 is offset from im1 (i.e., shift im2 by -1 * these #'s to match im1) errx,erry : float,float optional, error in x and y directions xvals,yvals,chi2n_upsampled : ndarray,ndarray,ndarray, x,y positions (in original chi^2 coordinates) of the chi^2 values and their corresponding chi^2 value Examples -------- Create a 2d array, shift it in both directions, then use chi2_shift_iterzoom to determine the shift >>> import image_registration >>> np.random.seed(42) # so the doctest will pass >>> image = np.random.randn(50,55) >>> shifted = np.roll(np.roll(image,12,0),5,1) >>> dx,dy,edx,edy = chi2_shift_iterzoom(image, shifted, upsample_factor='auto') >>> shifted2 = image_registration.fft_tools.shift2d(image,3.665,-4.25) >>> dx2,dy2,edx2,edy2 = chi2_shift_iterzoom(image, shifted2, upsample_factor='auto') """ chi2,term1,term2,term3 = chi2n_map(im1, im2, err, boundary=boundary, nthreads=nthreads, zeromean=zeromean, use_numpy_fft=use_numpy_fft, return_all=True, reduced=False) # at this point, the chi2 map contains ALL of the information! # below is sub-pixel zoom-in stuff chi2zoom, zf, offsets = iterative_zoom.iterative_zoom(chi2, mindiff=mindiff, zoomshape=zoom_shape, return_zoomed=True, verbose=verbose, return_center=False, **kwargs) if np.all(chi2zoom==0): # if you've over-zoomed & broken things, you can zoom in by the same # factor but with a bigger field of view (yy,xx),chi2_rezoom = zoom.zoomnd(chi2, usfac=zf, offsets=offsets, outshape=rezoom_shape, middle_convention=np.floor, return_xouts=True, **kwargs) else: (yy,xx),chi2_rezoom = zoom.zoomnd(chi2, usfac=zf*rezoom_factor, offsets=offsets, outshape=rezoom_shape, middle_convention=np.floor, return_xouts=True, **kwargs) # x and y are swapped and negative returns = [-off for off in offsets[::-1]] if return_error: errx_low,errx_high,erry_low,erry_high = chi2map_to_errors(chi2_rezoom, zf*rezoom_factor) returns.append( (errx_low+errx_high)/2. ) returns.append( (erry_low+erry_high)/2. ) if return_chi2array: yy = (chi2.shape[0]-1)/2 - yy xx = (chi2.shape[1]-1)/2 - xx returns.append((xx,yy,chi2_rezoom)) return returns
[docs]def chi2n_map(im1, im2, err=None, boundary='wrap', nthreads=1, zeromean=False, use_numpy_fft=False, return_all=False, reduced=False): """ Parameters ---------- im1 : np.ndarray im2 : np.ndarray The images to register. err : np.ndarray Per-pixel error in image 2 boundary : 'wrap','constant','reflect','nearest' Option to pass to map_coordinates for determining what to do with shifts outside of the boundaries. zeromean : bool Subtract the mean from the images before cross-correlating? If no, you may get a 0,0 offset because the DC levels are strongly correlated. nthreads : bool Number of threads to use for fft (only matters if you have fftw installed) reduced : bool Return the reduced :math:`\chi^2` array, or unreduced? (assumes 2 degrees of freedom for the fit) Returns ------- chi2n : np.ndarray the :math:`\chi^2` array term1 : float Scalar, term 1 in the :math:`\chi^2` equation term2 : np.ndarray Term 2 in the equation, -2 * cross-correlation(x/sigma^2,y) term3 : np.ndarray | float If error is an array, returns an array, otherwise is a scalar float corresponding to term 3 in the equation """ if not im1.shape == im2.shape: raise ValueError("Images must have same shape.") if zeromean: im1 = im1 - (im1[im1==im1].mean()) im2 = im2 - (im2[im2==im2].mean()) im1 = np.nan_to_num(im1) im2 = np.nan_to_num(im2) if err is not None and not np.isscalar(err): err = np.nan_to_num(err) # to avoid divide-by-zero errors # err is always squared, so negative errors are "sort of ok" im2[err==0] = 0 im1[err==0] = 0 err[err==0] = 1 # we want im1 first, because it's first down below term3 = correlate2d(im1**2, 1./err**2, boundary=boundary, nthreads=nthreads, use_numpy_fft=use_numpy_fft) else: # scalar error is OK if err is None: err = 1. term3 = ((im1**2/err**2)).sum() # term 1 and 2 don't rely on err being an array term1 = ((im2**2/err**2)).sum() # ORDER MATTERS! cross-correlate im1,im2 not im2,im1 term2 = -2 * correlate2d(im1,im2/err**2, boundary=boundary, nthreads=nthreads, use_numpy_fft=use_numpy_fft) chi2 = term1 + term2 + term3 if reduced: # 2 degrees of freedom chi2 /= im2.size-2. if return_all: return chi2,term1,term2,term3 else: return chi2
def chi2_shift_leastsq(im1, im2, err=None, mode='wrap', maxoff=None, return_error=True, guessx=0, guessy=0, use_fft=False, ignore_outside=True, verbose=False, **kwargs): """ Determine the best fit offset using `scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates` to shift the offset image. *OBSOLETE* It kind of works, but is sensitive to input guess and doesn't reliably output errors Parameters ---------- im1 : np.ndarray First image im2 : np.ndarray Second image (offset image) err : np.ndarray OR float Per-pixel error in image 2 mode : 'wrap','constant','reflect','nearest' Option to pass to map_coordinates for determining what to do with shifts outside of the boundaries. maxoff : None or int If set, crop the data after shifting before determining chi2 (this is a good thing to use; not using it can result in weirdness involving the boundaries) """ #xc = correlate2d(im1,im2, boundary=boundary) #ac1peak = (im1**2).sum() #ac2peak = (im2**2).sum() #chi2 = ac1peak - 2*xc + ac2peak if not im1.shape == im2.shape: raise ValueError("Images must have same shape.") if np.any(np.isnan(im1)): im1 = im1.copy() im1[im1!=im1] = 0 if np.any(np.isnan(im2)): im2 = im2.copy() if hasattr(err,'shape'): err[im2!=im2] = np.inf im2[im2!=im2] = 0 im1 = im1-im1.mean() im2 = im2-im2.mean() if not use_fft: yy,xx = np.indices(im1.shape) ylen,xlen = im1.shape xcen = xlen/2-(1-xlen%2) ycen = ylen/2-(1-ylen%2) # possible requirements for only this function import lmfit if not use_fft: import scipy.ndimage def residuals(p, im1, im2): xsh, ysh = p['xsh'].value,p['ysh'].value if use_fft: shifted_img = shift.shiftnd(im2, (-ysh, -xsh)) else: # identical to skimage shifted_img = scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates(im2, [yy+ysh,xx+xsh], mode=mode) if maxoff is not None: xslice = slice(xcen-maxoff,xcen+maxoff,None) yslice = slice(ycen-maxoff,ycen+maxoff,None) # divide by sqrt(number of samples) = sqrt(maxoff**2) residuals = np.abs(np.ravel((im1[yslice,xslice]-shifted_img[yslice,xslice])) / maxoff) else: if ignore_outside: outsidex = min([(xlen-2*xsh)/2,xcen]) outsidey = min([(ylen-2*ysh)/2,xcen]) xslice = slice(xcen-outsidex,xcen+outsidex,None) yslice = slice(ycen-outsidey,ycen+outsidey,None) residuals = ( np.abs( np.ravel( (im1[yslice,xslice]-shifted_img[yslice,xslice]))) / (2*outsidex*2*outsidey)**0.5 ) else: xslice = slice(None) yslice = slice(None) residuals = np.abs(np.ravel((im1-shifted_img))) / im1.size**0.5 if err is None: return residuals elif hasattr(err,'shape'): if use_fft: shifted_err = shift.shiftnd(err, (-ysh, -xsh)) else: shifted_err = scipy.ndimage.map_coordinates(err, [yy+ysh,xx+xsh], mode=mode) return residuals / shifted_err[yslice,xslice].flat else: return residuals / err fit_params = lmfit.Parameters() fit_params['xsh'] = lmfit.Parameter(value=guessx, max=maxoff) fit_params['ysh'] = lmfit.Parameter(value=guessy, max=maxoff) if maxoff is not None: fit_params['xsh'].min = -maxoff fit_params['ysh'].min = -maxoff iter_cb = per_iteration if verbose else None lmfitter = lmfit.minimize(residuals, fit_params, args=(im1,im2), iter_cb=iter_cb, **kwargs) px,py = lmfitter.params.values() fxsh,fysh = px.value,py.value efxsh,efysh = px.stderr,py.stderr if return_error: return fxsh,fysh,efxsh,efysh else: return fxsh,fysh # ignore if return_error: if cov is None: return bestfit[0],bestfit[1],0,0 else: # based on scipy.optimize.curve_fit, the "correct" covariance is this cov * chi^2/n return bestfit[0],bestfit[1],(cov[0,0]*chi2n)**0.5,(cov[1,1]*chi2n)**0.5 else: return bestfit[0],bestfit[1] def per_iteration(pars, i, resid, *args, **kws): if i < 100 or i % 10 == 0: print('====== Iteration %03i: ' % (i),) for p in pars.values(): print( , p.value, ) print(" chi^2: ",(resid**2).sum())