image_registration Package

image_registration Package

image_registration Package

This is an Astropy affiliated package.


chi2_shift(im1, im2[, err, upsample_factor, ...])

Find the offsets between image 1 and image 2 using the DFT upsampling method ( combined with \(\chi^2\) to measure the errors on the fit

chi2_shift_iterzoom(im1, im2[, err, ...])

Find the offsets between image 1 and image 2 using an iterative DFT upsampling method combined with \(\chi^2\) to measure the errors on the fit

chi2n_map(im1, im2[, err, boundary, ...])


cross_correlation_shifts(image1, image2[, ...])

Use cross-correlation and a 2nd order taylor expansion to measure the offset between two images

cross_correlation_shifts_FITS(fitsfile1, ...)

Determine the shift between two FITS images using the cross-correlation technique.

register_images(im1, im2[, usfac, ...])

Sub-pixel image registration (see dftregistration for lots of details)


Run the tests for the package.

register_images Module

image_registration.register_images Module


register_images(im1, im2[, usfac, ...])

Sub-pixel image registration (see dftregistration for lots of details)

image_registration.register_images.register_images(im1, im2, usfac=1, return_registered=False, return_error=False, zeromean=True, DEBUG=False, maxoff=None, nthreads=1, use_numpy_fft=False)[source]

Sub-pixel image registration (see dftregistration for lots of details)


The images to register.


upsampling factor; governs accuracy of fit (1/usfac is best accuracy)


Return the registered image as the last parameter


Does nothing at the moment, but in principle should return the “fit error” (it does nothing because I don’t know how to compute the “fit error”)


Subtract the mean from the images before cross-correlating? If no, you may get a 0,0 offset because the DC levels are strongly correlated.


Maximum allowed offset to measure (setting this helps avoid spurious peaks)


Test code used during development. Should DEFINITELY be removed.


REVERSE of dftregistration order (also, signs flipped) for consistency with other routines. Measures the amount im2 is offset from im1 (i.e., shift im2 by these #’s to match im1)

chi2_shifts Module

image_registration.chi2_shifts Module

Chi^2 shifts

Various tools for calculating shifts based on the chi^2 method


chi2_shift(im1, im2[, err, upsample_factor, ...])

Find the offsets between image 1 and image 2 using the DFT upsampling method ( combined with \(\chi^2\) to measure the errors on the fit

chi2_shift_iterzoom(im1, im2[, err, ...])

Find the offsets between image 1 and image 2 using an iterative DFT upsampling method combined with \(\chi^2\) to measure the errors on the fit

chi2n_map(im1, im2[, err, boundary, ...])


cross_correlation_shifts Module

image_registration.cross_correlation_shifts Module


cross_correlation_shifts(image1, image2[, ...])

Use cross-correlation and a 2nd order taylor expansion to measure the offset between two images

cross_correlation_shifts_FITS(fitsfile1, ...)

Determine the shift between two FITS images using the cross-correlation technique.

image_registration.cross_correlation_shifts.cross_correlation_shifts(image1, image2, errim1=None, errim2=None, maxoff=None, verbose=False, gaussfit=False, return_error=False, zeromean=True, **kwargs)[source]

Use cross-correlation and a 2nd order taylor expansion to measure the offset between two images

Given two images, calculate the amount image2 is offset from image1 to sub-pixel accuracy using 2nd order taylor expansion.

image1: np.ndarray

The reference image

image2: np.ndarray

The offset image. Must have the same shape as image1

errim1: np.ndarray [optional]

The pixel-by-pixel error on the reference image

errim2: np.ndarray [optional]

The pixel-by-pixel error on the offset image.

maxoff: int

Maximum allowed offset (in pixels). Useful for low s/n images that you know are reasonably well-aligned, but might find incorrect offsets due to edge noise


Subtract the mean from each image before performing cross-correlation?

verbose: bool

Print out extra messages?


Use a Gaussian fitter to fit the peak of the cross-correlation?

return_error: bool

Return an estimate of the error on the shifts. WARNING: I still don’t understand how to make these agree with simulations. The analytic estimate comes from At high signal-to-noise, the analytic version overestimates the error by a factor of about 1.8, while the gaussian version overestimates error by about 1.15. At low s/n, they both UNDERestimate the error. The transition zone occurs at a total S/N ~ 1000 (i.e., the total signal in the map divided by the standard deviation of the map - it depends on how many pixels have signal)

**kwargs are passed to correlate2d, which in turn passes them to convolve.
The available options include image padding for speed and ignoring NaNs.




>>> import numpy as np
>>> im1 = np.zeros([10,10])
>>> im2 = np.zeros([10,10])
>>> im1[4,3] = 1
>>> im2[5,5] = 1
>>> import image_registration
>>> yoff,xoff = image_registration.cross_correlation_shifts(im1,im2)
>>> im1_aligned_to_im2 = np.roll(np.roll(im1,int(yoff),1),int(xoff),0)
>>> assert (im1_aligned_to_im2-im2).sum() == 0
