fft_tools Package

fft_tools Package

image_registration.fft_tools Package


correlate2d(im1, im2[, boundary, nthreads, ...])

Cross-correlation of two images of arbitrary size.

dftups(inp[, nor, noc, usfac, roff, coff])

Translated from matlab:

get_ffts([nthreads, use_numpy_fft])

Returns fftn,ifftn using either numpy's fft or fftw

shift2d(data, deltax, deltay[, phase, ...])

2D version: obsolete - use ND version instead (though it's probably easier to parse the source of this one)

shiftnd(data, offset[, phase, nthreads, ...])

FFT-based sub-pixel image shift.

smooth(image[, kernelwidth, kerneltype, ...])

Returns a smoothed image using a gaussian, boxcar, or tophat kernel

upsample_image(image[, upsample_factor, ...])

Use dftups to upsample an image (but takes an image and returns an image with all reals)

convolve_nd Module

image_registration.fft_tools.convolve_nd Module


convolvend(array, kernel[, boundary, ...])

Convolve an ndarray with an nd-kernel.

correlate2d Module

image_registration.fft_tools.correlate2d Module


correlate2d(im1, im2[, boundary, nthreads, ...])

Cross-correlation of two images of arbitrary size.

fast_ffts Module

image_registration.fft_tools.fast_ffts Module


get_ffts([nthreads, use_numpy_fft])

Returns fftn,ifftn using either numpy's fft or fftw

shift Module

image_registration.fft_tools.shift Module


Fourier-transform based shifting. scipy.fftpack.shift does about the same thing, but only in one dimension


shift2d(data, deltax, deltay[, phase, ...])

2D version: obsolete - use ND version instead (though it's probably easier to parse the source of this one)

shiftnd(data, offset[, phase, nthreads, ...])

FFT-based sub-pixel image shift.

zoom Module

image_registration.fft_tools.zoom Module


zoom1d(inp[, usfac, outsize, offset, ...])

Zoom in to the center of a 1D array using Fourier upsampling

zoom_on_pixel(inp, coordinates[, usfac, ...])

Zoom in on a 1D or 2D array using Fourier upsampling (in principle, should work on N-dimensions, but does not at present!)

zoomnd(inp[, offsets, middle_convention])

Zoom in to the center of a 1D or 2D array using Fourier upsampling (in principle, should work on N-dimensions, but does not at present!)

scale Module

image_registration.fft_tools.scale Module


fourier_interp1d(data, out_x[, data_x, ...])

Use the fourier scaling theorem to interpolate (or extrapolate, without raising any exceptions) data.

fourier_interp2d(data, outinds[, nthreads, ...])

Use the fourier scaling theorem to interpolate (or extrapolate, without raising any exceptions) data.

fourier_interpnd(data, outinds[, nthreads, ...])

Use the fourier scaling theorem to interpolate (or extrapolate, without raising any exceptions) data.

upsample Module

Fourier upsampling (or interpolation, scaling, zooming) is achieved via DFTs using a dot product rather than the usual fft, as there is (probably?) no way to perform FFTs with a different kernel.

This notebook demonstrates 1-d Fourier upsampling.

image_registration.fft_tools.upsample Module


dftups(inp[, nor, noc, usfac, roff, coff])

Translated from matlab:

dftups1d(inp[, usfac, outsize, offset, ...])

odddftups(inp[, nor, noc, usfac, roff, coff])

upsample_image(image[, upsample_factor, ...])

Use dftups to upsample an image (but takes an image and returns an image with all reals)