Source code for image_registration.fft_tools.smooth_tools

import numpy as np
from .downsample import downsample as downsample_2d
#from .convolve_nd import convolvend as convolve
from astropy.convolution import convolve_fft as convolve

[docs]def smooth(image, kernelwidth=3, kerneltype='gaussian', trapslope=None, silent=True, psf_pad=True, interp_nan=False, nwidths='max', min_nwidths=6, return_kernel=False, normalize_kernel=np.sum, downsample=False, downsample_factor=None, **kwargs): """ Returns a smoothed image using a gaussian, boxcar, or tophat kernel Parameters ---------- kernelwidth : width of kernel in pixels (see definitions below) kerneltype : gaussian, boxcar, or tophat * a gaussian, uses a gaussian with sigma = kernelwidth (in pixels) out to [nwidths]-sigma * a boxcar is a kernelwidth x kernelwidth square * a tophat is a flat circle with radius = kernelwidth psf_pad : [True] will pad the input image to be the image size + PSF. Slows things down but removes edge-wrapping effects (see convolve) This option should be set to false if the edges of your image are symmetric. interp_nan : [False] Will replace NaN points in an image with the smoothed average of its neighbors (you can still simply ignore NaN values by setting ignore_nan=True but leaving interp_nan=False) silent : [True] turn it off to get verbose statements about kernel types return_kernel : [False] If set to true, will return the kernel as the second return value nwidths : ['max'] number of kernel widths wide to make the kernel. Set to 'max' to match the image shape, otherwise use any integer min_nwidths : [6] minimum number of gaussian widths to make the kernel (the kernel will be larger than the image if the image size is < min_widths*kernelsize) normalize_kernel : Should the kernel preserve the map sum (i.e. kernel.sum() = 1) or the kernel peak (i.e. kernel.max() = 1) ? Must be a *function* that can operate on a numpy array downsample : downsample after smoothing? downsample_factor : if None, default to kernelwidth Notes ----- Note that the kernel is forced to be even sized on each axis to assure no offset when smoothing. """ if (kernelwidth*min_nwidths > image.shape[0] or kernelwidth*min_nwidths > image.shape[1]): nwidths = min_nwidths if (nwidths!='max'):# and kernelwidth*nwidths < image.shape[0] and kernelwidth*nwidths < image.shape[1]): dimsize = np.ceil(kernelwidth*nwidths) dimsize += dimsize % 2 yy,xx = np.indices([dimsize,dimsize]) szY,szX = dimsize,dimsize else: szY,szX = image.shape szY += szY % 2 szX += szX % 2 yy,xx = np.indices([szY,szX]) shape = (szY,szX) if not silent: print("Kernel size set to ",shape) kernel = make_kernel(shape, kernelwidth=kernelwidth, kerneltype=kerneltype, normalize_kernel=normalize_kernel, trapslope=trapslope) if not silent: print("Kernel of type %s normalized with %s has peak %g" % (kerneltype, normalize_kernel, kernel.max())) bad = (image != image) temp = image.copy() # to preserve NaN values # convolve does this already temp[bad] = 0 # kwargs parsing to avoid duplicate keyword passing if not kwargs.has_key('interpolate_nan'): kwargs['interpolate_nan']=interp_nan # No need to normalize - normalization is dealt with in this code temp = convolve(temp,kernel,psf_pad=psf_pad, normalize_kernel=False, **kwargs) if interp_nan is False: temp[bad] = image[bad] if temp.shape != image.shape: raise ValueError("Output image changed size; this is completely impossible.") if downsample: if downsample_factor is None: downsample_factor = kernelwidth if return_kernel: return downsample_2d(temp,downsample_factor),downsample_2d(kernel,downsample_factor) else: return downsample_2d(temp,downsample_factor) else: if return_kernel: return temp,kernel else: return temp
def make_kernel(kernelshape, kernelwidth=3, kerneltype='gaussian', trapslope=None, normalize_kernel=np.sum, force_odd=False): """ Create a smoothing kernel for use with `convolve` or `convolve_fft` Parameters ---------- kernelshape : n-tuple A tuple (or list or array) defining the shape of the kernel. The length of kernelshape determines the dimensionality of the resulting kernel kernelwidth : float Width of kernel in pixels (see definitions under `kerneltype`) kerneltype : 'gaussian', 'boxcar', 'tophat', 'brickwall', 'airy', 'trapezoid' Defines the type of kernel to be generated. For a gaussian, uses a gaussian with sigma = `kernelwidth` (in pixels) i.e. kernel = exp(-r**2 / (2*sigma**2)) where r is the radius A boxcar is a `kernelwidth` x `kernelwidth` square e.g. kernel = (x < `kernelwidth`) * (y < `kernelwidth`) A tophat is a flat circle with radius = `kernelwidth` i.e. kernel = (r < `kernelwidth`) A 'brickwall' or 'airy' kernel is the airy function from optics. It requires scipy.special for the bessel function. The trapezoid kernel is like a tophat but with sloped edges. It is effectively a cone chopped off at the `kernelwidth` radius. trapslope : float Slope of the trapezoid kernel. Only used if `kerneltype`=='trapezoid' normalize_kernel : function Function to use for kernel normalization force_odd : boolean If set, forces the kernel to have odd dimensions (needed for convolve w/o ffts) Returns ------- An N-dimensional float array """ if force_odd: kernelshape = [n-1 if (n%2==0) else n for n in kernelshape] if normalize_kernel is True: normalize_kernel = np.sum if kerneltype == 'gaussian': rr = np.sum([(x-(x.max()+1)//2)**2 for x in np.indices(kernelshape)],axis=0)**0.5 kernel = np.exp(-(rr**2)/(2.*kernelwidth**2)) kernel /= normalize_kernel(kernel) #/ (kernelwidth**2 * (2*np.pi)) elif kerneltype == 'boxcar': kernel = np.zeros(kernelshape,dtype='float64') kernelslices = [] for dimsize in kernelshape: center = dimsize - (dimsize+1)//2 kernelslices += [slice(center - (kernelwidth)//2, center + (kernelwidth+1)//2)] kernel[kernelslices] = 1.0 kernel /= normalize_kernel(kernel) elif kerneltype == 'tophat': rr = np.sum([(x-(x.max())/2.)**2 for x in np.indices(kernelshape)],axis=0)**0.5 kernel = np.zeros(kernelshape,dtype='float64') kernel[rr<kernelwidth] = 1.0 # normalize kernel /= normalize_kernel(kernel) elif kerneltype in ('brickwall','airy'): try: import scipy.special except ImportError: raise ImportError("Could not import scipy.special; cannot create an "+ "airy kernel without this (need the bessel function)") rr = np.sum([(x-(x.max())/2.)**2 for x in np.indices(kernelshape)],axis=0)**0.5 # airy function is first bessel(x) / x [like the sinc] kernel = j1(rr/kernelwidth) / (rr/kernelwidth) # fix NAN @ center kernel[rr==0] = 0.5 kernel /= normalize_kernel(kernel) elif kerneltype == 'trapezoid': rr = np.sum([(x-(x.max())/2.)**2 for x in np.indices(kernelshape)],axis=0)**0.5 if trapslope: zz = rr.max()-(rr*trapslope) zz[zz<0] = 0 zz[rr<kernelwidth] = 1.0 kernel = zz/zz.sum() else: raise ValueError("Must specify a slope for kerneltype='trapezoid'") return kernel