Source code for image_registration.fft_tools.convolve_nd

import numpy as np
import warnings
import itertools
from astropy.tests.helper import pytest

    import fftw3
    has_fftw = True

    def fftwn(array, nthreads=1):
        array = array.astype('complex').copy()
        outarray = array.copy()
        fft_forward = fftw3.Plan(array, outarray, direction='forward',
                                 flags=['estimate'], nthreads=nthreads)
        return outarray

    def ifftwn(array, nthreads=1):
        array = array.astype('complex').copy()
        outarray = array.copy()
        fft_backward = fftw3.Plan(array, outarray, direction='backward',
                                  flags=['estimate'], nthreads=nthreads)
        return outarray / np.size(array)
except ImportError:
    fftn = np.fft.fftn
    ifftn = np.fft.ifftn
    has_fftw = False
# I performed some fft speed tests and found that scipy is slower than numpy
# However,
# the speed varied on machines - YMMV.  If someone finds that scipy's fft is
# faster, we should add that as an option here... not sure how exactly

__all__ = ['convolvend']

[docs]def convolvend(array, kernel, boundary='fill', fill_value=0, crop=True, return_fft=False, fftshift=True, fft_pad=True, psf_pad=False, interpolate_nan=False, quiet=False, ignore_edge_zeros=False, min_wt=0.0, normalize_kernel=False, use_numpy_fft=not has_fftw, nthreads=1): """ Convolve an ndarray with an nd-kernel. Returns a convolved image with shape = array.shape. Assumes image & kernel are centered. Also note that the astropy.convolution convolver is a more up-to-date version of this one. Parameters ---------- array: `numpy.ndarray` Array to be convolved with *kernel* kernel: `numpy.ndarray` Will be normalized if *normalize_kernel* is set. Assumed to be centered (i.e., shifts may result if your kernel is asymmetric) boundary: str, optional A flag indicating how to handle boundaries: * 'fill' : set values outside the array boundary to fill_value (default) * 'wrap' : periodic boundary interpolate_nan: bool attempts to re-weight assuming NAN values are meant to be ignored, not treated as zero. If this is off, all NaN values will be treated as zero. ignore_edge_zeros: bool Ignore the zero-pad-created zeros. This will effectively decrease the kernel area on the edges but will not re-normalize the kernel. This parameter may result in 'edge-brightening' effects if you're using a normalized kernel min_wt: float If ignoring NANs/zeros, force all grid points with a weight less than this value to NAN (the weight of a grid point with *no* ignored neighbors is 1.0). If `min_wt` == 0.0, then all zero-weight points will be set to zero instead of NAN (which they would be otherwise, because 1/0 = nan). See the examples below normalize_kernel: function or boolean if specified, function to divide kernel by to normalize it. e.g., normalize_kernel=np.sum means that kernel will be modified to be: kernel = kernel / np.sum(kernel). If True, defaults to normalize_kernel = np.sum fft_pad: bool Default on. Zero-pad image to the nearest 2^n psf_pad: bool Default off. Zero-pad image to be at least the sum of the image sizes (in order to avoid edge-wrapping when smoothing) crop: bool Default on. Return an image of the size of the largest input image. If the images are asymmetric in opposite directions, will return the largest image in both directions. For example, if an input image has shape [100,3] but a kernel with shape [6,6] is used, the output will be [100,6]. return_fft: bool Return the fft(image)*fft(kernel) instead of the convolution (which is ifft(fft(image)*fft(kernel))). Useful for making PSDs. fftshift: bool If return_fft on, will shift & crop image to appropriate dimensions nthreads: int if fftw3 is installed, can specify the number of threads to allow FFTs to use. Probably only helpful for large arrays use_numpy_fft: bool Force the code to use the numpy FFTs instead of FFTW even if FFTW is installed Returns ------- default: `array` convolved with `kernel` if return_fft: fft(`array`) * fft(`kernel`) * if fftshift: Determines whether the fft will be shifted before returning if not(`crop`) : Returns the image, but with the fft-padded size instead of the input size Examples -------- >>> convolvend([1,0,3],[1,1,1]) array([ 1., 4., 3.]) >>> convolvend([1,np.nan,3],[1,1,1],quiet=True) array([ 1., 4., 3.]) >>> convolvend([1,0,3],[0,1,0]) array([ 1., 0., 3.]) >>> convolvend([1,2,3],[1]) array([ 1., 2., 3.]) >>> convolvend([1,np.nan,3],[0,1,0], interpolate_nan=True) array([ 1., 0., 3.]) >>> convolvend([1,np.nan,3],[0,1,0], interpolate_nan=True, min_wt=1e-8) array([ 1., nan, 3.]) >>> convolvend([1,np.nan,3],[1,1,1], interpolate_nan=True) array([ 1., 4., 3.]) >>> convolvend([1,np.nan,3],[1,1,1], interpolate_nan=True, normalize_kernel=True, ignore_edge_zeros=True) array([ 1., 2., 3.]) """ # Checking copied from - however, since FFTs have real & # complex components, we change the types. Only the real part will be # returned! # Check that the arguments are lists or Numpy arrays array = np.asarray(array, dtype=np.complex) kernel = np.asarray(kernel, dtype=np.complex) # Check that the number of dimensions is compatible if array.ndim != kernel.ndim: raise Exception('array and kernel have differing number of' 'dimensions') # store the dtype for conversion back later array_dtype = array.dtype # turn the arrays into 'complex' arrays if array.dtype.kind != 'c': array = array.astype(np.complex) if kernel.dtype.kind != 'c': kernel = kernel.astype(np.complex) # mask catching - masks must be turned into NaNs for use later if mask = array.mask array = np.array(array) array[mask] = np.nan if mask = kernel.mask kernel = np.array(kernel) kernel[mask] = np.nan # replace fftn if has_fftw so that nthreads can be passed global fftn, ifftn if has_fftw and not use_numpy_fft: def fftn(*args, **kwargs): return fftwn(*args, nthreads=nthreads, **kwargs) def ifftn(*args, **kwargs): return ifftwn(*args, nthreads=nthreads, **kwargs) elif use_numpy_fft: fftn = np.fft.fftn ifftn = np.fft.ifftn # NAN catching nanmaskarray = (array != array) array[nanmaskarray] = 0 nanmaskkernel = (kernel != kernel) kernel[nanmaskkernel] = 0 if (((nanmaskarray.sum() > 0 or nanmaskkernel.sum() > 0) and not interpolate_nan and not quiet)): warnings.warn("NOT ignoring nan values even though they are present" + " (they are treated as 0)") if normalize_kernel is True: kernel = kernel / kernel.sum() kernel_is_normalized = True elif normalize_kernel: # try this. If a function is not passed, the code will just crash... I # think type checking would be better but PEPs say otherwise... kernel = kernel / normalize_kernel(kernel) kernel_is_normalized = True else: if np.abs(kernel.sum() - 1) < 1e-8: kernel_is_normalized = True else: kernel_is_normalized = False if boundary is None: WARNING = ("The convolvend version of boundary=None is equivalent" + " to the convolve boundary='fill'. There is no FFT " + " equivalent to convolve's zero-if-kernel-leaves-boundary") warnings.warn(WARNING) psf_pad = True elif boundary == 'fill': # create a boundary region at least as large as the kernel psf_pad = True elif boundary == 'wrap': psf_pad = False fft_pad = False fill_value = 0 # force zero; it should not be used elif boundary == 'extend': raise NotImplementedError("The 'extend' option is not implemented " + "for fft-based convolution") arrayshape = array.shape kernshape = kernel.shape ndim = len(array.shape) if ndim != len(kernshape): raise ValueError("Image and kernel must " + "have same number of dimensions") # find ideal size (power of 2) for fft. # Can add shapes because they are tuples if fft_pad: if psf_pad: # add the dimensions and then take the max (bigger) fsize = 2**np.ceil(np.log2( np.max(np.array(arrayshape) + np.array(kernshape)))) else: # add the shape lists (max of a list of length 4) (smaller) # also makes the shapes square fsize = 2**np.ceil(np.log2(np.max(arrayshape+kernshape))) newshape = np.array([fsize for ii in range(ndim)], dtype='int') else: if psf_pad: # just add the biggest dimensions newshape = np.array(arrayshape, dtype='int')+np.array(kernshape, dtype='int') else: newshape = np.array([np.max([imsh, kernsh]) for imsh, kernsh in zip(arrayshape, kernshape)], dtype='int') # separate each dimension by the padding size... this is to determine the # appropriate slice size to get back to the input dimensions arrayslices = [] kernslices = [] for ii, (newdimsize, arraydimsize, kerndimsize) in enumerate(zip(newshape, arrayshape, kernshape)): center = newdimsize - (newdimsize+1)//2 arrayslices += [slice(center - arraydimsize//2, center + (arraydimsize+1)//2)] kernslices += [slice(center - kerndimsize//2, center + (kerndimsize+1)//2)] bigarray = np.ones(newshape, dtype=np.complex128) * fill_value bigkernel = np.zeros(newshape, dtype=np.complex128) bigarray[arrayslices] = array bigkernel[kernslices] = kernel arrayfft = fftn(bigarray) # need to shift the kernel so that, e.g., [0,0,1,0] -> [1,0,0,0] = unity kernfft = fftn(np.fft.ifftshift(bigkernel)) fftmult = arrayfft*kernfft if (interpolate_nan or ignore_edge_zeros) and kernel_is_normalized: if ignore_edge_zeros: bigimwt = np.zeros(newshape, dtype=np.complex128) else: bigimwt = np.ones(newshape, dtype=np.complex128) bigimwt[arrayslices] = 1.0-nanmaskarray*interpolate_nan wtfft = fftn(bigimwt) # I think this one HAS to be normalized (i.e., the weights can't be # computed with a non-normalized kernel) wtfftmult = wtfft*kernfft/kernel.sum() wtsm = ifftn(wtfftmult) # need to re-zero weights outside of the image (if it is padded, we # still don't weight those regions) bigimwt[arrayslices] = wtsm.real[arrayslices] # curiously, at the floating-point limit, can get slightly negative numbers # they break the min_wt=0 "flag" and must therefore be removed bigimwt[bigimwt<0] = 0 else: bigimwt = 1 if np.isnan(fftmult).any(): # this check should be unnecessary; call it an insanity check raise ValueError("Encountered NaNs in convolve. This is disallowed.") # restore nans in original image (they were modified inplace earlier) # We don't have to worry about masked arrays - if input was masked, it was # copied array[nanmaskarray] = np.nan kernel[nanmaskkernel] = np.nan if return_fft: if fftshift: # default on if crop: return np.fft.fftshift(fftmult)[arrayslices] else: return np.fft.fftshift(fftmult) else: return fftmult if interpolate_nan or ignore_edge_zeros: rifft = (ifftn(fftmult)) / bigimwt if not np.isscalar(bigimwt): rifft[bigimwt < min_wt] = np.nan if min_wt == 0.0: rifft[bigimwt == 0.0] = 0.0 else: rifft = (ifftn(fftmult)) if crop: result = rifft[arrayslices].real return result else: return rifft.real
params = list(itertools.product((True,False),(True,False),(True,False))) @pytest.mark.parametrize(('psf_pad','use_numpy_fft','force_ignore_zeros_off'),params) def test_3d(psf_pad, use_numpy_fft, force_ignore_zeros_off, debug=False, tolerance=1e-17): array = np.zeros([32,32,32]) array[15,15,15]=1 array[15,0,15]=1 kern = np.zeros([32,32,32]) kern[14:19,14:19,14:19] = 1 conv1 = convolvend(array, kern, psf_pad=psf_pad, force_ignore_zeros_off=force_ignore_zeros_off, debug=debug) print("psf_pad=%s use_numpy=%s force_ignore_zeros_off=%s" % (psf_pad, use_numpy_fft, force_ignore_zeros_off)) print("side,center: %g,%g" % (conv1[15,0,15],conv1[15,15,15])) if force_ignore_zeros_off or not psf_pad: assert(np.abs(conv1[15,0,15] - 1./125.) < tolerance) assert(np.abs(conv1[15,1,15] - 1./125.) < tolerance) assert(np.abs(conv1[15,15,15] - 1./125.) < tolerance) else: assert(np.abs(conv1[15,0,15] - 1./75.) < tolerance) assert(np.abs(conv1[15,1,15] - 1./100.) < tolerance) assert(np.abs(conv1[15,15,15] - 1./125.) < tolerance)