Source code for image_registration.cross_correlation_shifts

from __future__ import print_function
from .fft_tools import correlate2d
from .FITS_tools.load_header import load_header, load_data
import warnings
import numpy as np

__all__ = ['cross_correlation_shifts','cross_correlation_shifts_FITS']

[docs]def cross_correlation_shifts(image1, image2, errim1=None, errim2=None, maxoff=None, verbose=False, gaussfit=False, return_error=False, zeromean=True, **kwargs): """ Use cross-correlation and a 2nd order taylor expansion to measure the offset between two images Given two images, calculate the amount image2 is offset from image1 to sub-pixel accuracy using 2nd order taylor expansion. Parameters ---------- image1: np.ndarray The reference image image2: np.ndarray The offset image. Must have the same shape as image1 errim1: np.ndarray [optional] The pixel-by-pixel error on the reference image errim2: np.ndarray [optional] The pixel-by-pixel error on the offset image. maxoff: int Maximum allowed offset (in pixels). Useful for low s/n images that you know are reasonably well-aligned, but might find incorrect offsets due to edge noise zeromean : bool Subtract the mean from each image before performing cross-correlation? verbose: bool Print out extra messages? gaussfit : bool Use a Gaussian fitter to fit the peak of the cross-correlation? return_error: bool Return an estimate of the error on the shifts. WARNING: I still don't understand how to make these agree with simulations. The analytic estimate comes from At high signal-to-noise, the analytic version overestimates the error by a factor of about 1.8, while the gaussian version overestimates error by about 1.15. At low s/n, they both UNDERestimate the error. The transition zone occurs at a *total* S/N ~ 1000 (i.e., the total signal in the map divided by the standard deviation of the map - it depends on how many pixels have signal) **kwargs are passed to correlate2d, which in turn passes them to convolve. The available options include image padding for speed and ignoring NaNs. References ---------- From Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> im1 = np.zeros([10,10]) >>> im2 = np.zeros([10,10]) >>> im1[4,3] = 1 >>> im2[5,5] = 1 >>> import image_registration >>> yoff,xoff = image_registration.cross_correlation_shifts(im1,im2) >>> im1_aligned_to_im2 = np.roll(np.roll(im1,int(yoff),1),int(xoff),0) >>> assert (im1_aligned_to_im2-im2).sum() == 0 """ if not image1.shape == image2.shape: raise ValueError("Images must have same shape.") if zeromean: image1 = image1 - (image1[image1==image1].mean()) image2 = image2 - (image2[image2==image2].mean()) image1 = np.nan_to_num(image1) image2 = np.nan_to_num(image2) ccorr = (correlate2d(image1,image2,**kwargs) / image1.size) # allow for NaNs set by convolve (i.e., ignored pixels) ccorr[ccorr!=ccorr] = 0 if ccorr.shape != image1.shape: raise ValueError("Cross-correlation image must have same shape as input images. This can only be violated if you pass a strange kwarg to correlate2d.") ylen,xlen = image1.shape xcen = xlen/2-(1-xlen%2) ycen = ylen/2-(1-ylen%2) if ccorr.max() == 0: warnings.warn("WARNING: No signal found! Offset is defaulting to 0,0") return 0,0 if maxoff is not None: if verbose: print("Limiting maximum offset to %i" % maxoff) subccorr = ccorr[ycen-maxoff:ycen+maxoff+1,xcen-maxoff:xcen+maxoff+1] ymax,xmax = np.unravel_index(subccorr.argmax(), subccorr.shape) xmax = xmax+xcen-maxoff ymax = ymax+ycen-maxoff else: ymax,xmax = np.unravel_index(ccorr.argmax(), ccorr.shape) subccorr = ccorr if return_error: if errim1 is None: errim1 = np.ones(ccorr.shape) * image1[image1==image1].std() if errim2 is None: errim2 = np.ones(ccorr.shape) * image2[image2==image2].std() eccorr =( (correlate2d(errim1**2, image2**2,**kwargs)+ correlate2d(errim2**2, image1**2,**kwargs))**0.5 / image1.size) if maxoff is not None: subeccorr = eccorr[ycen-maxoff:ycen+maxoff+1,xcen-maxoff:xcen+maxoff+1] else: subeccorr = eccorr if gaussfit: try: from agpy import gaussfitter except ImportError: raise ImportError("Couldn't import agpy.gaussfitter; try using cross_correlation_shifts with gaussfit=False") if return_error: pars,epars = gaussfitter.gaussfit(subccorr,err=subeccorr,return_all=True) exshift = epars[2] eyshift = epars[3] else: pars,epars = gaussfitter.gaussfit(subccorr,return_all=True) xshift = maxoff - pars[2] if maxoff is not None else xcen - pars[2] yshift = maxoff - pars[3] if maxoff is not None else ycen - pars[3] if verbose: print("Gaussian fit pars: ",xshift,yshift,epars[2],epars[3],pars[4],pars[5],epars[4],epars[5]) else: xshift_int = xmax-xcen yshift_int = ymax-ycen local_values = ccorr[ymax-1:ymax+2,xmax-1:xmax+2] d1y,d1x = np.gradient(local_values) d2y,d2x,dxy = second_derivative(local_values) fx,fy,fxx,fyy,fxy = d1x[1,1],d1y[1,1],d2x[1,1],d2y[1,1],dxy[1,1] shiftsubx=(fyy*fx-fy*fxy)/(fxy**2-fxx*fyy) shiftsuby=(fxx*fy-fx*fxy)/(fxy**2-fxx*fyy) xshift = -(xshift_int+shiftsubx) yshift = -(yshift_int+shiftsuby) # # Zucker error if return_error: #acorr1 = (correlate2d(image1,image1,**kwargs) / image1.size) #acorr2 = (correlate2d(image2,image2,**kwargs) / image2.size) #ccorrn = ccorr / eccorr**2 / ccorr.size #/ (errim1.mean()*errim2.mean()) #/ eccorr**2 normalization = 1. / ((image1**2).sum()/image1.size) / ((image2**2).sum()/image2.size) ccorrn = ccorr * normalization exshift = (np.abs(-1 * ccorrn.size * fxx*normalization/ccorrn[ymax,xmax] * (ccorrn[ymax,xmax]**2/(1-ccorrn[ymax,xmax]**2)))**-0.5) eyshift = (np.abs(-1 * ccorrn.size * fyy*normalization/ccorrn[ymax,xmax] * (ccorrn[ymax,xmax]**2/(1-ccorrn[ymax,xmax]**2)))**-0.5) if np.isnan(exshift): raise ValueError("Error: NAN error!") if return_error: return xshift,yshift,exshift,eyshift else: return xshift,yshift
def second_derivative(image): """ Compute the second derivative of an image The derivatives are set to zero at the edges Parameters ---------- image: np.ndarray Returns ------- d/dx^2, d/dy^2, d/dxdy All three are np.ndarrays with the same shape as image. """ shift_right = np.roll(image,1,1) shift_right[:,0] = 0 shift_left = np.roll(image,-1,1) shift_left[:,-1] = 0 shift_down = np.roll(image,1,0) shift_down[0,:] = 0 shift_up = np.roll(image,-1,0) shift_up[-1,:] = 0 shift_up_right = np.roll(shift_up,1,1) shift_up_right[:,0] = 0 shift_down_left = np.roll(shift_down,-1,1) shift_down_left[:,-1] = 0 shift_down_right = np.roll(shift_right,1,0) shift_down_right[0,:] = 0 shift_up_left = np.roll(shift_left,-1,0) shift_up_left[-1,:] = 0 dxx = shift_right+shift_left-2*image dyy = shift_up +shift_down-2*image dxy=0.25*(shift_up_right+shift_down_left-shift_up_left-shift_down_right) return dxx,dyy,dxy
[docs]def cross_correlation_shifts_FITS(fitsfile1, fitsfile2, return_cropped_images=False, sigma_cut=False, verbose=False, register_method=cross_correlation_shifts, **kwargs): """ Determine the shift between two FITS images using the cross-correlation technique. Requires reproject Parameters ---------- fitsfile1: str Reference fits file name fitsfile2: str Offset fits file name return_cropped_images: bool Returns the images used for the analysis in addition to the measured offsets sigma_cut: bool or int Perform a sigma-cut before cross-correlating the images to minimize noise correlation? """ import reproject import astropy.wcs as pywcs header = load_header(fitsfile1) image2_projected, _ = reproject.reproject_interp(fitsfile2, header) image1 = load_data(fitsfile1) if image1.shape != image2_projected.shape: raise ValueError("Failed to reproject images to same shape.") if sigma_cut: corr_image1 = image1*(image1 > image1.std()*sigma_cut) corr_image2 = image2_projected*(image2_projected > image2_projected.std()*sigma_cut) OK = (corr_image1==corr_image1)*(corr_image2==corr_image2) if (corr_image1[OK]*corr_image2[OK]).sum() == 0: print("Could not use sigma_cut of %f because it excluded all valid data" % sigma_cut) corr_image1 = image1 corr_image2 = image2_projected else: corr_image1 = image1 corr_image2 = image2_projected xoff,yoff = register_method(corr_image1, corr_image2, verbose=verbose, return_error=False, **kwargs) wcs = pywcs.WCS(header) try: xoff_wcs,yoff_wcs = np.inner(np.array([[xoff,0],[0,yoff]]),[[0,1],[0,1]] except AttributeError: xoff_wcs,yoff_wcs = 0,0 if return_cropped_images: return xoff,yoff,xoff_wcs,yoff_wcs,image1,image2_projected else: return xoff,yoff,xoff_wcs,yoff_wcs