Source code for image_registration.FITS_tools.match_images

import numpy as np
from ..chi2_shifts import chi2_shift_iterzoom
import astropy.wcs as pywcs
from astropy import stats
from .load_header import load_data, load_header
from ..fft_tools.shift import shift2d

__all__ = ['project_to_header', 'match_fits', 'register_fits']

[docs]def project_to_header(fitsfile, header, **kwargs): """ Reproject an image to a header. Simple wrapper of reproject.reproject_interp Parameters ---------- fitsfile : string a FITS file name header : pyfits.Header A pyfits Header instance with valid WCS to project to quiet : bool Silence Montage's output Returns ------- np.ndarray image projected to header's coordinates """ import reproject return reproject.reproject_interp(fitsfile, header, **kwargs)[0]
[docs]def match_fits(fitsfile1, fitsfile2, header=None, sigma_cut=False, use_mad_std=True, return_header=False, **kwargs): """ Project one FITS file into another's coordinates If sigma_cut is used, will try to find only regions that are significant in both images using the standard deviation Parameters ---------- fitsfile1: str Reference fits file name fitsfile2: str Offset fits file name header: pyfits.Header Optional - can pass a header to projet both images to sigma_cut: bool or int Perform a sigma-cut on the returned images at this level use_mad_std : bool Use mad_std instead of std dev for stddev estimation Returns ------- image1,image2,[header] : Two images projected into the same space, and optionally the header used to project them """ if header is None: header = load_header(fitsfile1) image1 = load_data(fitsfile1) else: # project image 1 to input header coordinates image1 = project_to_header(fitsfile1, header) # project image 2 to image 1 coordinates image2_projected = project_to_header(fitsfile2, header) if image1.shape != image2_projected.shape: raise ValueError("Failed to reproject images to same shape.") if sigma_cut: std1 = stats.mad_std(image1, ignore_nan=True) if use_mad_std else np.nanstd(image1) std2 = stats.mad_std(image2_projected, ignore_nan=True) if use_mad_std else np.nanstd(image2_projected) corr_image1 = image1*(image1 > (std1*sigma_cut)) corr_image2 = image2_projected*(image2_projected > (std2*sigma_cut)) OK = np.isfinite(corr_image1) & np.isfinite(corr_image2) if (corr_image1[OK]*corr_image2[OK]).sum() == 0: # This state seems to be reached in places when the condition above is False. print("Could not use sigma_cut of %f because it excluded all valid data" % sigma_cut) corr_image1 = image1 corr_image2 = image2_projected else: corr_image1 = image1 corr_image2 = image2_projected returns = corr_image1, corr_image2 if return_header: returns = returns + (header,) return returns
[docs]def register_fits(fitsfile1, fitsfile2, errfile=None, return_error=True, register_method=chi2_shift_iterzoom, return_cropped_images=False, return_shifted_image=False, return_header=False, sigma_cut=None, **kwargs): """ Determine the shift between two FITS images using the cross-correlation technique. Requires montage or hcongrid. kwargs are passed to :func:`register_method` Parameters ---------- fitsfile1: str Reference fits file name fitsfile2: str Offset fits file name errfile : str [optional] An error image, intended to correspond to fitsfile2 register_method : function Can be any of the shift functions in :mod:`image_registration`. Defaults to :func:`chi2_shift_iterzoom` return_errors: bool Return the errors on each parameter in addition to the fitted offset return_cropped_images: bool Returns the images used for the analysis in addition to the measured offsets return_shifted_images: bool Return image 2 shifted into image 1's space return_header : bool Return the header the images have been projected to quiet: bool Silence messages? sigma_cut: bool or int Perform a sigma-cut before cross-correlating the images to minimize noise correlation? Returns ------- xoff,yoff : (float,float) pixel offsets xoff_wcs,yoff_wcs : (float,float) world coordinate offsets exoff,eyoff : (float,float) (only if `return_errors` is True) Standard error on the fitted pixel offsets exoff_wcs,eyoff_wcs : (float,float) (only if `return_errors` is True) Standard error on the fitted world coordinate offsets proj_image1, proj_image2 : (ndarray,ndarray) (only if `return_cropped_images` is True) The images projected into the same coordinates shifted_image2 : ndarray (if `return_shifted_image` is True) The second image projected *and shifted* to match image 1. header : :class:`pyfits.Header` (only if `return_header` is True) The header the images have been projected to """ proj_image1, proj_image2, header = match_fits(fitsfile1, fitsfile2, return_header=True, sigma_cut=sigma_cut, **kwargs) if errfile is not None: errimage = project_to_header(errfile, header, **kwargs) else: errimage = None xoff,yoff,exoff,eyoff = register_method(proj_image1, proj_image2, err=errimage, return_error=True, **kwargs) wcs = pywcs.WCS(header) try: cdelt = except AttributeError: cdelt = wcs.wcs.cdelt xoff_wcs,yoff_wcs = np.array([xoff,yoff])*cdelt exoff_wcs,eyoff_wcs = np.array([exoff,eyoff])*cdelt #try: # xoff_wcs,yoff_wcs = np.inner( np.array([[xoff,0],[0,yoff]]), )[[0,1],[0,1]] #except AttributeError: # xoff_wcs,yoff_wcs = 0,0 returns = xoff,yoff,xoff_wcs,yoff_wcs if return_error: returns = returns + (exoff,eyoff,exoff_wcs,eyoff_wcs) if return_cropped_images: returns = returns + (proj_image1,proj_image2) if return_shifted_image: shifted_im2 = shift2d(proj_image2, -xoff, -yoff) returns = returns + (shifted_im2,) if return_header: returns = returns + (header,) return returns