Source code for image_registration.fft_tools.shift


Fourier-transform based shifting.  scipy.fftpack.shift does about the same
thing, but only in one dimension
from . import fast_ffts
import numpy as np

[docs]def shift2d(data, deltax, deltay, phase=0, nthreads=1, use_numpy_fft=False, return_abs=False, return_real=True): """ 2D version: obsolete - use ND version instead (though it's probably easier to parse the source of this one) FFT-based sub-pixel image shift. Will turn NaNs into zeros Shift Theorem: .. math:: FT[f(t-t_0)](x) = e^{-2 \pi i x t_0} F(x) Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray 2D image phase : float Phase, in radians """ fftn,ifftn = fast_ffts.get_ffts(nthreads=nthreads, use_numpy_fft=use_numpy_fft) if np.any(np.isnan(data)): data = np.nan_to_num(data) ny,nx = data.shape xfreq = deltax * np.fft.fftfreq(nx)[np.newaxis,:] yfreq = deltay * np.fft.fftfreq(ny)[:,np.newaxis] freq_grid = xfreq + yfreq kernel = np.exp(-1j*2*np.pi*freq_grid-1j*phase) result = ifftn( fftn(data) * kernel ) if return_real: return np.real(result) elif return_abs: return np.abs(result) else: return result
[docs]def shiftnd(data, offset, phase=0, nthreads=1, use_numpy_fft=False, return_abs=False, return_real=True): """ FFT-based sub-pixel image shift. Will turn NaNs into zeros Shift Theorem: .. math:: FT[f(t-t_0)](x) = e^{-2 \pi i x t_0} F(x) Parameters ---------- data : np.ndarray Data to shift offset : (int,)*ndim Offsets in each direction. Must be iterable. phase : float Phase, in radians Other Parameters ---------------- use_numpy_fft : bool Force use numpy's fft over fftw? (only matters if you have fftw installed) nthreads : bool Number of threads to use for fft (only matters if you have fftw installed) return_real : bool Return the real component of the shifted array return_abs : bool Return the absolute value of the shifted array Returns ------- The input array shifted by offsets """ fftn,ifftn = fast_ffts.get_ffts(nthreads=nthreads, use_numpy_fft=use_numpy_fft) if np.any(np.isnan(data)): data = np.nan_to_num(data) freq_grid = np.sum( [off*np.fft.fftfreq(nx)[ tuple( [np.newaxis]*dim + [slice(None)] + [np.newaxis]*(data.ndim-dim-1) ) ] for dim,(off,nx) in enumerate(zip(offset,data.shape))], axis=0) kernel = np.exp(-1j*2*np.pi*freq_grid-1j*phase) result = ifftn( fftn(data) * kernel ) if return_real: return np.real(result) elif return_abs: return np.abs(result) else: return result
if __name__ == "__main__": # A visual breakdown of the Fourier shift theorem # Lecture: import pylab as pl xx,yy = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(-5,5,100),np.linspace(-5,5,100)) # a Gaussian image data = np.exp(-(xx**2+yy**2)/2.) pl.figure() pl.imshow(data) pl.title("Gaussian") ny,nx = data.shape Nx = np.fft.ifftshift(np.linspace(-np.fix(nx/2),np.ceil(nx/2)-1,nx)) Ny = np.fft.ifftshift(np.linspace(-np.fix(ny/2),np.ceil(ny/2)-1,ny)) pl.figure() pl.plot(Nx,label='Nx') pl.plot(Ny,label='Ny') pl.legend(loc='best') Nx,Ny = np.meshgrid(Nx,Ny) pl.figure() pl.subplot(121) pl.imshow(Nx) pl.title('Nx') pl.subplot(122) pl.imshow(Ny) pl.title('Ny') deltax,deltay = 1.5,-1.5 # 22.5,30.3 kernel = np.exp(1j*2*np.pi*(-deltax*Nx/nx-deltay*Ny/ny)) pl.figure() pl.subplot(131) pl.imshow(kernel.real) pl.title("kernel.real") pl.colorbar() pl.subplot(132) pl.imshow(kernel.imag) pl.title("kernel.imag") pl.colorbar() pl.subplot(133) pl.imshow(np.abs(kernel)) pl.title("abs(kernel)") pl.colorbar() fftn,ifftn = fast_ffts.get_ffts(nthreads=4, use_numpy_fft=False) phase = 0 gg = ifftn( fftn(data)* kernel * np.exp(-1j*phase) ) pl.figure() pl.subplot(121) pl.imshow(gg.real) pl.title("gg.real") pl.subplot(122) pl.imshow(gg.imag) pl.title("gg.imag")