Source code for image_registration.fft_tools.fast_ffts

import numpy as np
import warnings

    import fftw3
    has_fftw = True

    def fftwn(array, nthreads=1):
        array = array.astype('complex').copy()
        outarray = array.copy()
        fft_forward = fftw3.Plan(array, outarray, direction='forward',
                flags=['estimate'], nthreads=nthreads)
        return outarray

    def ifftwn(array, nthreads=1):
        array = array.astype('complex').copy()
        outarray = array.copy()
        fft_backward = fftw3.Plan(array, outarray, direction='backward',
                flags=['estimate'], nthreads=nthreads)
        return outarray / np.size(array)
except ImportError:
    fftn = np.fft.fftn
    ifftn = np.fft.ifftn
    has_fftw = False
# I performed some fft speed tests and found that scipy is slower than numpy
# However,
# the speed varied on machines - YMMV.  If someone finds that scipy's fft is
# faster, we should add that as an option here... not sure how exactly

__all__ = ['get_ffts']

[docs]def get_ffts(nthreads=1, use_numpy_fft=not has_fftw): """ Returns fftn,ifftn using either numpy's fft or fftw """ if has_fftw and not use_numpy_fft: def fftn(*args, **kwargs): return fftwn(*args, nthreads=nthreads, **kwargs) def ifftn(*args, **kwargs): return ifftwn(*args, nthreads=nthreads, **kwargs) elif use_numpy_fft: fftn = np.fft.fftn ifftn = np.fft.ifftn else: # yes, this is redundant, but I feel like there could be a third option... fftn = np.fft.fftn ifftn = np.fft.ifftn return fftn,ifftn