Source code for image_registration.FITS_tools.load_header

from import fits
import numpy as np
import warnings

[docs]def load_header(header): """ Attempt to load a header specified as a header, a string pointing to a FITS file, or a string pointing to a Header text file, or a string that contains the actual header, or an HDU """ if hasattr(header,'get'): return fits.Header(header) elif hasattr(header,'header'): # It's an HDU! return header.header try: # assume fits file first return fits.getheader(header) except IOError: # assume header textfile try: return fits.Header().fromtextfile(header) except IOError: return fits.Header().fromstring(header,'\n')
[docs]def load_data(data): """ Attempt to load an image specified as an HDU, a string pointing to a FITS file, an HDUlist, or an actual data array """ if isinstance(data,np.ndarray): return data try: # assume fits file first return fits.getdata(data) except IOError: # assume an HDU if hasattr(data,'data') and isinstance(,np.ndarray): return elif isinstance(data, fits.HDUList): warnings.warn("Using 0'th extension of HDUlist to extract data") return data[0].data
[docs]def get_cd(wcs, n=1): """ Get the value of the change in world coordinate per pixel across a linear axis. Defaults to if present. Does not support rotated headers (e.g., with nonzero CDm_n where m!=n) """ if hasattr(wcs.wcs,'cd'): if[n-1,n-1] != 0: return[n-1,n-1] else: return wcs.wcs.get_cdelt()[n-1]